
Hatchery Lakshmi

Transparency from egg to tail:
claiming to be 100% regional bears responsibilities.

This is why Aquapurna has established its own hatchery, is raising broodstock and producing spawn after spawn of German born shrimp nauplii.

Self sufficient
& Scalable

We have developed proven biological routines to ensure the secure and independent supply of local grown premium larvae. This enables us to stock only the best shrimp possible: high survival rate, agile and healthy, pre-grown and already adapted to grow-out habitat.

We are proudly raising our own parent animals.

To avoid in-breeding, only premium broodstock is partially imported from selected US Hatcheries.
Most important: carefully imitating natural breeding environment in the open sea. Fresh feed, calm handling and thought-trough water parameters stimulate mating behaviour without having to use harmful conventional breeding methods (e.g. eyestalk oblation).